If you select only specific wells for the re-injection (which physically re-injects
all samples for the capillary array but collects data only for the selected wells), the re-
injection number is displayed for all samples in the re-injection, not just the samples
selected for data collection.
If you select to re-inject a sample that includes an allelic ladder in its results group,
but the allelic ladder is not part of the injection, the software prompts you to select
one or more allelic ladder samples to re-inject.
For example:
• You are running an 8-capillary instrument, and you have specified one results
group for each set of three injections (for more information, see “Results Group
example 3: store one allelic ladder per run folder (8-capillary instruments)“ on
• The allelic ladder sample is in Injection 1.
• You select for re-injection a sample that is in injection 2.
• The software prompts you to select one or more allelic ladder samples to re-inject.
The allelic ladders available to select are from the same plate and within the same
results group as the original injection. If the results group does not contain an
allelic ladder sample, the software does not prompt you to select one for re-
In the Add Allelic Ladder to Re-injection dialog box:
Select one or more allelic ladder samples.
The software does not display the well location of allelic ladder
samples in this dialog box. To identify allelic ladder samples for re-injection,
include the well position in the allelic ladder sample name when you assign plate
Select whether to collect data for the remaining samples in the allelic ladder re-
Re-inject HID
allelic ladder
Chapter 3
Set up and run
Check sequence or sample quality and re-inject samples
3500/3500xL Genetic Analyzer User Guide—Data Collection Software v3.1