Program number
N01 G91 G28 Z0;
Relative way Z axis to return
N02 G28 X0 Y0;
Relative way X
Y return to
reference position
N03 T01 M06;
Change tool 01
N04 G90 G54 G00 X0 Y0 S1000 M03;
Absolute programmatically
coordinate origin is programming
quick positioning to X0 Y0
speed of the spindle at 1000r/min
N05 G43 Z100.0 H01 M08;
Establish tool length
coolant on
N06 G98 G81 X0 Y0 Z-5.0 R3.0 F120;
Establish fixed drilling cycle
depth of hole 5 mm
N07 X12.5 Y-12.5;
Drill the second hole
N08 G80;
Cancel fixed cycle
N09 M05 ;
Stop spindle
coolant off
N10 M05 ;
coolant off
N11 M30;
End of program
return the origin
of program
2.2 Words and Address
Word is the basic constitute element of block. It is composed of address character and the number behind
(sometime has +, - in the front of number).
Address is one of A~Z, and it rules the meaning of number on the behind.
Chart 2-2
Basic Address