G91 X_ Y_ Z_
Incremental command
Moving track shown in Fig. 3-3, with absolute command and incremental command programmed as follows:
Absolute command G90 X20 Y120; incremental command G91 X-70 Y80;
Fig. 3-4
When the system is reset, G90 / G91 mode adjustable, 0515 set by the user parameters.
3.5.2 Polar Coordinate Command (G15, G16)
End point coordinate value can be entered in polar coordinates (radius and angle). Angle of rotation of the
first shaft forward is a positive counter-clockwise selected plane, while the negative direction is clockwise. Radius
and angle can be by absolute command or incremental command (G90, G91).
G□□ G
X_ Y_ Z_
G16: Polar instruction;
G15: Polar instruction canceled;
G□□: Plane selection
G18 or G19
of the polar coordinate command.
〇 〇
: G90: Specifies the workpiece coordinate system zero point becomes the origin of the polar
coordinate system, measuring the radius from that point.
G91: Specifies the current location as the origin of the polar coordinate system, measuring the radius from
that point.
Fig. 3-5
Programming example:
Processing 100mm radius on the rim angle of 270 ° of the three holes, as shown: