Fig. 1-3
Where in the instructions G01, G02, G03 called preparation function for which interpolated motion control
machine tool and control the machine by location coordinates specified in the program complete interpolated
Some machines are mobile workstations instead of tool movement. This specification are assumed to move
the tool relative to the workpiece.
1.2 Feed Function
Specify the feed rate for the feed functions, including rapid traverse and cutting feed. You can use the actual
value of the specified feed rate represented by F.
Units generally "mm / min" or "mm / r". If you specify the tool to 150mm / min speed feed movement, the
programming format is: F150.0.
When an instruction to quickly locate G00, the system quickly moving at the speed parameter settings. F
instruction is invalid. As shown in Fig. 1-4:
Fig. 1-4
1.3 Spindle Function
When cutting the workpiece relative to the workpiece speed tool called cutting, CNC machine tool spindle
speed to instruction cutting. The relevant feature called the spindle speed spindle function.
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