1. This function is based on stroke dog. If your machine tool has not install mechanical origin
please do not
use mechanical origin operation.
2. Indicator lamp of the corresponding shaft is on when system finishes reference position return.
8 Program Storage and Edit
8.1 Save Program into the System Memory
8.1.1 Type with the MDI Keyboard
1. Choose the
2. Choose the
3. Type the address O;
4. Type the program number;
5. Type the EOB key (not required);
Save the program number with this step and then insert the letters of the program with the insert key.
8.1.2 Input with the USB Interface
Fig.8-1The USB Interface
Mount the U disk: Choose the MDI function key [PROGRAM] with [EDIT] mode → soft key [U
Choose the NC programs that will be saved in the system memory;
Type the number of the program showed in the system, taking O1234 as an example;
Choose soft key [COPY] to type the NC program in the U disk to the memory.
8.2 Program Number Retrieval
When there are more than one program saved in the memory, the needed program can be called out with
retrieval method and then we can edit it or execute it. This process is the program retrieval.
8.2.1 Retrieval Method
1. Choose the [EDIT] mode
2. Click the soft key [LIST] and the interface of the program list will be showed as Fig. 8-3;