AES hardware accelerator (AES)
RM0453 Rev 2
GCM payload phase
This phase, identical for encryption and decryption, is executed after the GCM header
phase. During this phase, the encrypted/decrypted payload is stored in the AES_DOUTR
register. The sequence to execute is:
Indicate the payload phase, by setting to 10 the GCMPH[1:0] bitfield of the AES_CR
register. Do not modify the MODE[1:0] bitfield as set in the Init phase.
2. If the header phase was skipped, enable the AES peripheral by setting the EN bit of the
AES_CR register.
3. If it is the last block and the plaintext (encryption) or ciphertext (decryption) size in the
block is inferior to 128 bits, pad the remainder of the block with zeros.
4. Append the data block into AES in one of ways described in
procedure to perform a cipher operation on page 655
, and read the result.
5. Repeat the previous step till the second-last plaintext block is encrypted or till the last
block of ciphertext is decrypted. For the last block of plaintext (encryption only),
execute the two previous steps. For the last block, discard the bits that are not part of
the payload when the last block size is less than 16 bytes.
The payload phase can be skipped if there is no payload data, that is, Len(C) = 0 (see
GMAC mode).
GCM final phase
In this last phase, the AES peripheral generates the GCM authentication tag and stores it in
the AES_DOUTR register. The sequence to execute is:
In the final phase, data is written to AES_DINR normally (no swapping), while swapping is
applied to tag data read from AES_DOUTR.
When transiting from the header or the payload phase to the final phase, the AES peripheral
must not be disabled, otherwise the result is wrong.
Indicate the final phase, by setting to 11 the GCMPH[1:0] bitfield of the AES_CR
2. Compose the data of the block, by concatenating the AAD bit length and the payload
bit length, as shown in
. Write the block into the AES_DINR register.
3. Wait until the end of computation, indicated by the CCF flag of the AES_SR transiting
to 1.
4. Get the GCM authentication tag, by reading the AES_DOUTR register four times.
5. Clear the CCF flag of the AES_SR register, by setting the CCFC bit of the AES_CR
6. Disable the AES peripheral, by clearing the bit EN of the AES_CR register. If it is an
authenticated decryption, compare the generated tag with the expected tag passed
with the message.