Direct memory access controller (DMA)
RM0453 Rev 2
When a channel is configured in a privileged (or unprivileged) mode,
the AHB master
transfers from the source and to the destination, are privileged (respectively unprivileged)
DMA generates a privileged bus, dma_priv[7:0], reflecting the PRIV bit of the DMA_CCRx
register, in order to keep the other hardware peripherals, like DMAMUX, informed of the
privileged / unprivileged state of each DMA channel x.
The DMA controller also generates a privileged illegal access pulse event on an illegal non-
privileged software access to a privileged DMA register or register field. This event is ORed
with the secure illegal pulse access event in order to generate an illegal access pulse event,
dma_ilac, which is routed to the secure interrupt controller.
Channel configuration procedure
The following sequence is needed to configure a DMA channel x:
Set a channel x to secure or non-secure, by a secure write access to the secure SECM
bit of the DMA_CCRx register. Set a channel x to privileged or unprivileged, by a
privileged write access to the privileged PRIV bit of the DMA_CCRx register.
2. Set the peripheral register address in the DMA_CPARx register.
The data is moved from/to this address to/from the memory after the peripheral event,
or after the channel is enabled in memory-to-memory mode.
3. Set the memory address in the DMA_CMARx register.
The data is written to/read from the memory after the peripheral event or after the
channel is enabled in memory-to-memory mode.
4. Configure the total number of data to transfer in the DMA_CNDTRx register.
After each data transfer, this value is decremented.
5. Configure the parameters listed below in the DMA_CCRx register:
the channel priority
the data transfer direction
the security level of the data transfers from source and to destination when the
channel is secure
the circular mode
the peripheral and memory incremented mode
the peripheral and memory data size
the interrupt enable at half and/or full transfer and/or transfer error
6. Activate the channel by setting the EN bit in the DMA_CCRx register.
A channel, as soon as enabled, may serve any DMA request from the peripheral connected
to this channel, or may start a memory-to-memory block transfer.
The two last steps of the channel configuration procedure may be merged into a single
access to the DMA_CCRx register, to configure and enable the channel.
Channel state and disabling a channel
A channel x in active state is an enabled channel (read DMA_CCRx.EN = 1). An active
channel x is a channel that must have been enabled by the software (DMA_CCRx.EN set
to 1) and afterwards with no occurred transfer error (DMA_ISR.TEIFx = 0). In case there is a
transfer error, the channel is automatically disabled by hardware (DMA_CCRx.EN = 0).