RM0453 Rev 2
Inter-integrated circuit (I2C) interface
Bit 19
: General call enable
0: General call disabled. Address 0b00000000 is NACKed.
1: General call enabled. Address 0b00000000 is ACKed.
Bit 18
: Wakeup from Stop mode enable
0: Wakeup from Stop mode disable.
1: Wakeup from Stop mode enable.
Note: If the Wakeup from Stop mode feature is not supported, this bit is reserved and forced
by hardware to ‘0’. Refer to
Section 34.3: I2C implementation
Note: WUPEN can be set only when DNF = ‘0000’
Bit 17
: Clock stretching disable
This bit is used to disable clock stretching in slave mode. It must be kept cleared in master
0: Clock stretching enabled
1: Clock stretching disabled
Note: This bit can only be programmed when the I2C is disabled (PE = 0).
Bit 16
: Slave byte control
This bit is used to enable hardware byte control in slave mode.
0: Slave byte control disabled
1: Slave byte control enabled
Bit 15
: DMA reception requests enable
0: DMA mode disabled for reception
1: DMA mode enabled for reception
Bit 14
: DMA transmission requests enable
0: DMA mode disabled for transmission
1: DMA mode enabled for transmission
Bit 13 Reserved, must be kept at reset value.
Bit 12
Analog noise filter OFF
0: Analog noise filter enabled
1: Analog noise filter disabled
Note: This bit can only be programmed when the I2C is disabled (PE = 0).
Bits 11:8
: Digital noise filter
These bits are used to configure the digital noise filter on SDA and SCL input. The digital
filter, filters spikes with a length of up to DNF[3:0]
0000: Digital filter disabled
0001: Digital filter enabled and filtering capability up to 1 t
1111: digital filter enabled and filtering capability up to15 t
Note: If the analog filter is also enabled, the digital filter is added to the analog filter.
This filter can only be programmed when the I2C is disabled (PE = 0).