RM0453 Rev 2
Real-time clock (RTC)
Each change of the RTC_CR register is taken into account after around 2 RTCCLK clock
cycles due to clock synchronization.
Programming the wakeup timer
The following sequence is required to configure or change the wakeup timer auto-reload
value (WUT[15:0] in RTC_WUTR):
Clear WUTE in RTC_CR to disable the wakeup timer.
2. Poll WUTWF until it is set in RTC_ICSR to make sure the access to wakeup auto-
reload counter and to WUCKSEL[2:0] bits is allowed. This step must be skipped in
calendar initialization mode.
If WUCKSEL[2] = 0: WUTWF is set around 1 1 RTCCLK cycles after WUTE
bit is cleared.
If WUCKSEL[2] = 1: WUTWF is set up to 1 c 1 RTCCLK cycles after WUTE bit
is cleared.
3. Program the wakeup auto-reload value WUT[15:0], WUTOCLR[15:0] and the wakeup
clock selection (WUCKSEL[2:0] bits in RTC_CR). Set WUTE in RTC_CR to enable the
timer again. The wakeup timer restarts down-counting.
If WUCKSEL[2] = 0: WUTWF is cleared around 1 1 RTCCLK cycles after
WUTE bit is set.
If WUCKSEL[2] = 1: WUTWF is cleared up to 1 c 1 RTCCLK cycles after
WUTE bit is set.
32.3.10 Reading
When BYPSHAD control bit is cleared in the RTC_CR register
To read the RTC calendar registers (RTC_SSR, RTC_TR and RTC_DR) properly, the APB1
clock frequency (f
) must be equal to or greater than seven times the RTC clock
frequency (f
). This ensures a secure behavior of the synchronization mechanism.
If the APB1 clock frequency is less than seven times the RTC clock frequency, the software
must read the calendar time and date registers twice. If the second read of the RTC_TR
gives the same result as the first read, this ensures that the data is correct. Otherwise a third
read access must be done. In any case the APB1 clock frequency must never be lower than
the RTC clock frequency.
The RSF bit is set in RTC_ICSR register each time the calendar registers are copied into
the RTC_SSR, RTC_TR and RTC_DR shadow registers. The copy is performed every
RTCCLK cycle. To ensure consistency between the 3 values, reading either RTC_SSR or
RTC_TR locks the values in the higher-order calendar shadow registers until RTC_DR is
read. In case the software makes read accesses to the calendar in a time interval smaller
than 1 RTCCLK periods: RSF must be cleared by software after the first calendar read, and
then the software must wait until RSF is set before reading again the RTC_SSR, RTC_TR
and RTC_DR registers.
After waking up from low-power mode (Stop or Standby), RSF must be cleared by software.
The software must then wait until it is set again before reading the RTC_SSR, RTC_TR and
RTC_DR registers.
The RSF bit must be cleared after wakeup and not before entering low-power mode.
After a system reset, the software must wait until RSF is set before reading the RTC_SSR,
RTC_TR and RTC_DR registers. Indeed, a system reset resets the shadow registers to
their default values.