Embedded Flash memory (FLASH)
RM0453 Rev 2
3. Check and clear all error programming flags due to a previous programming. If not,
PGSERR is set.
4. Set PG in FLASH_CR or FLASH_C2CR.
5. Perform the data write operation at the desired memory address, inside the main
memory block or OTP area. Only double-word (64 bits) can be programmed.
a) Write a first word in an address aligned with double-word
b) Write the second word (see the note below)
Note: When the Flash memory interface received a good sequence (a double-word),
programming is automatically launched and the BSY bit is set. The internal oscillator
HSI16 (16 MHz) is enabled automatically when the PG bit is set, and disabled
automatically when the PG bit is cleared, except if the HSI16 is previously enabled
with HSION in the RCC_CR register.
If the user needs to program only one word, double-word must be completed with the
erase value 0xFFFF FFFF to launch automatically the programming.
ECC is calculated from the double-word to program.
For correct operation, the firmware must guarantee that the Flash page access
protection is not changed during the programming sequence. This is between the first
and second word write.
6. Wait until BSY is cleared in FLASH_SR or FLASH_C2SR.
7. Check that EOP is set in FLASH_SR or FLASH_C2SR (meaning the programming
operation succeeded), and clear it by software.
8. Clear PG in FLASH_SR or FLASH_C2SR if there no more programming request.
Fast programming
This mode allows a row to be programmed, 32 double-words (256 bytes), and the page
programming time to be reduced by eliminating the need for verifying the Flash memory
locations before they are programmed and to avoid rising and falling time of high voltage for
each double-word. During fast programming, the Flash clock frequency (HCLK3) must be at
least 8 MHz.
Fast row programming must be performed by executing firmware from SRAM and disabling
interrupts when not relocating the CPU interrupt vector table. A read access form the CPU
requesting row programming causes a bus error. A read from any other source (such as the
other CPU or DMA) is stalled until the row programming is finished (standard double-word
programming does not cause a bus error to the requesting CPU but stalls any read until
standard programming is finished).
Only the main memory can be programmed in Fast programming mode.
The Flash main memory programming sequence in Fast programming mode is described
Perform a mass erase. If not, PGSERR is set.
2. Check that no Flash main memory operation is ongoing by checking BSY bit
3. Check that Flash memory program and erase operation is allowed by checking PESD
in FLASH_SR or FLASH_C2SR (these checks are recommended even if status may