Reset and clock control (RCC)
RM0453 Rev 2
Bit 22
I2C2 clock enable during CPU1 CSleep and CStop modes
This bit is set and cleared by software.
0: I2C2 bus clock disabled by the clock gating during CPU1 CSleep and CStop modes
1: I2C2 bus clock enabled by the clock gating during CPU1 CSleep mode, disabled during
CPU1 CStop mode
Bit 21
I2C1 clock enable during CPU1 CSleep and CStop modes
This bit is set and cleared by software.
0: I2C1 bus clock disabled by the clock gating during CPU1 CSleep and CStop modes
1: I2C1 bus clock enabled by the clock gating during CPU1 CSleep mode, disabled during
CPU1 CStop mode
Bits 20:18 Reserved, must be kept at reset value.
Bit 17
USART2 clock enable during CPU1 CSleep and CStop modes
This bit is set and cleared by software.
0: USART2 bus clock disabled by the clock gating during CPU1 CSleep and CStop modes
1: USART2 bus clock enabled by the clock gating during CPU1 CSleep mode, disabled
during CPU1 CStop mode
Bits 16:15 Reserved, must be kept at reset value.
Bit 14
SPI2S2 clock enable during CPU1 CSleep and CStop modes
This bit is set and cleared by software.
0: SPI2S2 clock disabled by the clock gating during CPU1 CSleep and CStop modes
1: SPI2S2 clock enabled by the clock gating during CPU1 CSleep mode, disabled during
CPU1 CStop mode
Bits 13:12 Reserved, must be kept at reset value.
Bit 11
Window watchdog clocks enable during CPU1 CSleep and CStop modes
This bit is set and cleared by software.It is forced to 1 by hardware when the hardware
WWDG_SW option is reset.
0: Window watchdog clock disabled by the clock gating during CPU1 CSleep and CStop
1: Window watchdog clocks enabled by the clock gating during CPU1 CSleep mode,
disabled during CPU1 CStop mode
Bit 10
RTC APB bus clock enable during CPU1 CSleep and CStop modes
This bit is set and cleared by software. RTC kernel clock is controlled by the RTCEN bit in
the RCC_BDCR register.
0: RTC APB bus clock disabled during by the clock gating during CPU1 CSleep and CStop
1: RTC APB bus clock enabled during by the clock gating during CPU1 CSleep mode,
disabled during CPU1 CStop mode
Bits 9:1 Reserved, must be kept at reset value.
Bit 0
Timer 2 clock enable during CPU1 CSleep and CStop modes
This bit is set and cleared by software.
0: TIM2 clock disabled by the clock gating during CPU1 CSleep and CStop modes
1: TIM2 clock enabled by the clock gating during CPU1 CSleep mode, disabled during CPU1
CStop mode