RM0453 Rev 2
Universal synchronous/asynchronous receiver transmitter (USART/UART)
In case of underrun error, it is still possible to write to the TDR register. Clearing the
underrun error enables sending new data.
If an underrun error occurred and there is no new data written in TDR, then the TC flag is set
at the end of the frame.
An underrun error may occur if the moment the data is written to the USART_TDR is too
close to the first CK transmission edge. To avoid this underrun error, the USART_TDR
should be written 3
cycles before the first CK edge.
35.5.15 USART
Half-duplex communication
Single-wire Half-duplex mode is selected by setting the HDSEL bit in the USART_CR3
register. In this mode, the following bits must be kept cleared:
LINEN and CLKEN bits in the USART_CR2 register,
SCEN and IREN bits in the USART_CR3 register.
The USART can be configured to follow a Single-wire Half-duplex protocol where the TX
and RX lines are internally connected. The selection between half- and Full-duplex
communication is made with a control bit HDSEL in USART_CR3.
As soon as HDSEL is written to ‘1’:
The TX and RX lines are internally connected.
The RX pin is no longer used.
The TX pin is always released when no data is transmitted. Thus, it acts as a standard
I/O in idle or in reception. It means that the I/O must be configured so that TX is
configured as alternate function open-drain with an external pull-up.
Apart from this, the communication protocol is similar to normal USART mode. Any conflict
on the line must be managed by software (for instance by using a centralized arbiter). In
particular, the transmission is never blocked by hardware and continues as soon as data are
written in the data register while the TE bit is set.
35.5.16 USART
The receiver timeout feature is enabled by setting the RTOEN bit in the USART_CR2
control register.
The timeout duration is programmed using the RTO bitfields in the USART_RTOR register.
The receiver timeout counter starts counting:
from the end of the stop bit if STOP = ‘00’ or STOP = ‘11’
from the end of the second stop bit if STOP = ‘10’.
from the beginning of the stop bit if STOP = ‘01’.
When the timeout duration has elapsed, the RTOF flag in the USART_ISR register is set. A
timeout is generated if RTOIE bit in USART_CR1 register is set.