DMA request multiplexer (DMAMUX)
RM0453 Rev 2
If EGE is enabled and NBREQ = 0, an event is generated after each served DMA request.
A synchronization event (edge) is detected if the state following the edge remains stable for
more than two AHB clock cycles.
Upon writing into DMAMUX_CxCR register, the synchronization events are masked during
three AHB clock cycles.
Synchronization overrun and interrupt
If a new synchronization event occurs before the request counter underrun (the internal
request counter programmed via the NBREQ field of the DMAMUX_CxCR register), the
synchronization overrun flag bit SOFx is set in the DMAMUX_CSR status register.
The request multiplexer channel x synchronization must be disabled
(DMAMUX_CxCR.SE = 0) at the completion of the use of the related channel of the DMA
controller. Else, upon a new detected synchronization event, there is a synchronization
overrun due to the absence of a DMA acknowledge (that is, no served request) received
from the DMA controller.
The overrun flag SOFx is reset by setting the associated clear synchronization overrun flag
bit CSOFx in the DMAMUX_CFRDMAMUX_CCFR register.
Setting the synchronization overrun flag generates an interrupt if the synchronization
overrun interrupt enable bit SOIE is set in the DMAMUX_CxCR register.
14.4.7 DMAMUX
The DMAMUX request generator produces DMA requests following trigger events on its
DMA request trigger inputs.
The DMAMUX request generator has multiple channels. DMA request trigger inputs are
connected in parallel to all channels.
The outputs of DMAMUX request generator channels are inputs to the DMAMUX request
line multiplexer.
Each DMAMUX request generator channel x has an enable bit GE (generator enable) in the
corresponding DMAMUX_RGxCR register.
The DMA request trigger input for the DMAMUX request generator channel x is selected
through the SIG_ID (trigger signal ID) field in the corresponding DMAMUX_RGxCR register.
Trigger events on a DMA request trigger input can be rising edge, falling edge or either
edge. The active edge is selected through the GPOL (generator polarity) field in the
corresponding DMAMUX_RGxCR register.
Upon the trigger event, the corresponding generator channel starts generating DMA
requests on its output. Each time the DMAMUX generated request is served by the
connected DMA controller (a served request is deasserted), a built-in (inside the DMAMUX
request generator) DMA request counter is decremented. At its underrun, the request
generator channel stops generating DMA requests and the DMA request counter is
automatically reloaded to its programmed value upon the next trigger event.
Thus, the number of DMA requests generated after the trigger event is 1.