RM0453 Rev 2
Low-power universal asynchronous receiver transmitter (LPUART)
Bit 10
: Parity control enable
This bit selects the hardware parity control (generation and detection). When the parity
control is enabled, the computed parity is inserted at the MSB position (9th bit if M = 1; 8th
bit if M = 0) and parity is checked on the received data. This bit is set and cleared by
software. Once it is set, PCE is active after the current byte (in reception and in
0: Parity control disabled
1: Parity control enabled
This bitfield can only be written when the LPUART is disabled (UE = 0).
Bit 9
: Parity selection
This bit selects the odd or even parity when the parity generation/detection is enabled (PCE
bit set). It is set and cleared by software. The parity is selected after the current byte.
0: Even parity
1: Odd parity
This bitfield can only be written when the LPUART is disabled (UE = 0).
Bit 8
: PE interrupt enable
This bit is set and cleared by software.
0: Interrupt is inhibited
1: An LPUART interrupt is generated whenever PE = 1 in the LPUART_ISR register
Bit 7
: TXFIFO not full interrupt enable
This bit is set and cleared by software.
0: Interrupt is inhibited
1: A LPUART interrupt is generated whenever TXE/TXFNF =1 in the LPUART_ISR register
Bit 6
: Transmission complete interrupt enable
This bit is set and cleared by software.
0: Interrupt is inhibited
1: An LPUART interrupt is generated whenever TC = 1 in the LPUART_ISR register
Bit 5
: RXFIFO not empty interrupt enable
This bit is set and cleared by software.
0: Interrupt is inhibited
1: A LPUART interrupt is generated whenever ORE = 1 or RXNE/RXFNE = 1 in the
LPUART_ISR register
Bit 4
: IDLE interrupt enable
This bit is set and cleared by software.
0: Interrupt is inhibited
1: An LPUART interrupt is generated whenever IDLE = 1 in the LPUART_ISR register
Bit 3
: Transmitter enable
This bit enables the transmitter. It is set and cleared by software.
0: Transmitter is disabled
1: Transmitter is enabled
Note: During transmission, a low pulse on the TE bit (“0” followed by “1”) sends a preamble
(idle line) after the current word. In order to generate an idle character, the TE must not
be immediately written to 1. In order to ensure the required duration, the software can
poll the TEACK bit in the LPUART_ISR register.
When TE is set there is a 1 bit-time delay before the transmission starts.