RM0453 Rev 2
Direct memory access controller (DMA)
Bit 6
: peripheral increment mode
Defines the increment mode for each DMA transfer to the identified peripheral.
n memory-to-memory mode, this field identifies the memory destination if DIR = 1 and the
memory source if DIR = 0.
In peripheral-to-peripheral mode, this field identifies the peripheral destination if DIR = 1 and
the peripheral source if DIR = 0.
0: disabled
1: enabled
Note: This bit is set and cleared by software (privileged/secure software if the channel is in
privileged/secure mode).
It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1).
It is read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1).
Bit 5
: circular mode
0: disabled
1: enabled
Note: This bit is set and cleared by software (privileged/secure software if the channel is in
privileged/secure mode).
It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1).
It is read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1).
Bit 4
: data transfer direction
This bit must be set only in memory-to-peripheral and peripheral-to-memory modes.
0: read from peripheral
Source attributes are defined by PSIZE and PINC, plus the DMA_CPARx register.
This is still valid in a memory-to-memory mode.
Destination attributes are defined by MSIZE and MINC, plus the DMA_CMARx
register. This is still valid in a peripheral-to-peripheral mode.
1: read from memory
Destination attributes are defined by PSIZE and PINC, plus the DMA_CPARx
register. This is still valid in a memory-to-memory mode.
Source attributes are defined by MSIZE and MINC, plus the DMA_CMARx register.
This is still valid in a peripheral-to-peripheral mode.
Note: This bit is set and cleared by software (privileged/secure software if the channel is in
privileged/secure mode).
It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1).
It is read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1).
Bit 3
: transfer error interrupt enable
0: disabled
1: enabled
Note: This bit is set and cleared by software (privileged/secure software if the channel is in
privileged/secure mode).
It must not be written when the channel is enabled (EN = 1).
It is not read-only when the channel is enabled (EN = 1).