AES hardware accelerator (AES)
RM0453 Rev 2
AES decryption round key preparation
Internal key schedule is used to generate AES round keys. In AES encryption, the round 0
key is the one stored in the key registers. AES decryption must start using the last round
key. As the encryption key is stored in memory, a special key scheduling must be performed
to obtain the decryption key. This key scheduling is only required for AES decryption in ECB
and CBC modes.
Recommended method is to select the Mode 2 by setting to 01 the MODE[1:0] bitfield of the
AES_CR (key process only), then proceed with the decryption by setting MODE[1:0] to 10
(Mode 3, decryption only). Mode 2 usage is described below:
Disable the AES peripheral by clearing the EN bit of the AES_CR register.
2. Select Mode 2 by setting to 01 the MODE[1:0] bitfield of the AES_CR. The
CHMOD[2:0] bitfield is not significant in this case because this key derivation mode is
independent of the chaining algorithm selected.
3. Set key length to 128 or 256 bits, via KEYSIZE bit of AES_CR register.
4. Write the AES_KEYRx registers (128 or 256 bits) with encryption key. Writes to the
AES_IVRx registers have no effect.
5. Enable the AES peripheral, by setting the EN bit of the AES_CR register.
6. Wait until the CCF flag is set in the AES_SR register.
7. Clear the CCF flag. Derived key is available in AES core, ready to use for decryption.
The AES is disabled by hardware when the derivation key is available.
To restart a derivation key computation, repeat steps
, and
The operation of the key preparation lasts 59 or 82 clock cycles, depending on the key size
(128- or 256-bit).
AES ciphertext stealing and data padding
When using AES in ECB or CBC modes to manage messages the size of which is not a
multiple of the block size (128 bits), ciphertext stealing techniques are used, such as those
described in NIST
Special Publication 800-38A, Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes
of Operation: Three Variants of Ciphertext Stealing for CBC Mode
. Since the AES peripheral
does not support such techniques, the application must complete the last block of input data
using data from the second last block.
Ciphertext stealing techniques are not documented in this reference manual.
Similarly, when AES is used in other modes than ECB or CBC, an incomplete input data
block (that is, block with input data shorter than 128 bits) must be padded with zeros prior to
encryption (that is, extra bits must be appended to the trailing end of the data string). After
decryption, the extra bits must be discarded. As AES does not implement automatic data
padding operation to
the last block
, the application must follow the recommendation given
Section 23.4.4: AES procedure to perform a cipher operation on page 655
to manage
messages the size of which is not a multiple of 128 bits.
Padding data are swapped in a similar way as normal data, according to the
DATATYPE[1:0] field of the AES_CR register (see
Section 23.4.13: AES data registers and
for details).