RM0453 Rev 2
Power control (PWR)
Bit 10
: Voltage scaling flag
A delay is required for the internal regulator to be ready after the voltage scaling has been
changed. VOSF indicates that the regulator reached the voltage level defined with VOS bits
of the
PWR control register 1 (PWR_CR1)
0: regulator ready in the selected voltage range
1: regulator output voltage changed to the required voltage level
Bit 9
: low-power regulator flag
This bit is set by hardware when the MCU is in LPRun mode. When the MCU exits from the
LPRun mode, this bit remains at 1 until the main regulator is ready. A polling on this bit must
be done before increasing the product frequency.
This bit is cleared by hardware when the main regulator is ready.
0: main regulator (MR) ready and used
1: low-power regulator (LPR) used
Bit 8
: low-power regulator started (ready)
This bit provides the information whether the low-power regulator is ready after a power-on
reset or a Standby/Shutdown. If the Standby mode is entered while REGLPS bit is still
cleared (“backup” SRAM2 disabled), the wakeup time from Standby mode may be
0: LPR not ready
1: LPR ready
Bit 7
: Flash memory ready
This bit is set by hardware when the Flash memory can be accessed by software after a
software controlled Flash power down (in LPRun mode). This bit is cleared by hardware
when the Flash memory is powered down.
0: Flash memory not ready to be accessed
1: Flash memory ready to be accessed
Bit 6
: Main regulator status
This bit is set by hardware when the main regulator is supplied by the LDO or SMPS when
enabled. When this bit is cleared the main regulator is directly supplied from V
0: main regulator supplied directly from V
1: main regulator supplied through LDO or SMPS
Bit 5
: Radio end-of-life flag
When enabled by RFEOLEBN, this bit indicates that the supply voltage reached the radio
end-of-life operating low level.
0: Supply voltage above radio end-of-life operating low level
1: Supply voltage below radio end-of-life operating low level
Bit 4
: LDO ready flag
This bit indicates that the LDO is ready.
0: LDO not ready or off
1: LDO ready
Bit 3
: SMPS ready flag
This bit indicates that the SMPS step-down converter is ready.
0: SMPS step-down converter not ready or off
1: SMPS step-down converter ready