Direct memory access controller (DMA)
RM0453 Rev 2
Memory-to-memory mode
The DMA channels may operate without being triggered by a request from a peripheral. This
mode is called memory-to-memory mode, and is initiated by software.
If the MEM2MEM bit in the DMA_CCRx register is set, the channel, if enabled, initiates
transfers. The transfer stops once the DMA_CNDTRx register reaches zero.
The memory-to-memory mode must not be used in circular mode. Before enabling a
channel in memory-to-memory mode (MEM2MEM = 1), the software must clear the CIRC
bit of the DMA_CCRx register.
Peripheral-to-peripheral mode
Any DMA channel can operate in peripheral-to-peripheral mode:
when the hardware request from a peripheral is selected to trigger the DMA channel
This peripheral is the DMA initiator and paces the data transfer from/to this peripheral
to/from a register belonging to another memory-mapped peripheral (this one being not
configured in DMA mode).
when no peripheral request is selected and connected to the DMA channel
The software configures a register-to-register transfer by setting the MEM2MEM bit of
the DMA_CCRx register.
Programming transfer direction, assigning source/destination
The value of the DIR bit of the DMA_CCRx register sets the direction of the transfer, and
consequently, it identifies the source and the destination, regardless the source/destination
type (peripheral or memory):
DIR = 1
defines typically a memory-to-peripheral transfer. More generally, if DIR = 1:
attributes are defined by the DMA_MARx register, the MSIZE[1:0]
field and MINC bit of the DMA_CCRx register.
Regardless of their usual naming, these ‘memory’ register, field and bit are used to
define the source peripheral in peripheral-to-peripheral mode.
attributes are defined by the DMA_PARx register, the PSIZE[1:0]
field and PINC bit of the DMA_CCRx register.
Regardless of their usual naming, these ‘peripheral’ register, field and bit are used
to define the destination memory in memory-to-memory mode.
DIR = 0
defines typically a peripheral-to-memory transfer. More generally, if DIR = 0:
attributes are defined by the DMA_PARx register, the PSIZE[1:0] field
and PINC bit of the DMA_CCRx register.
Regardless of their usual naming, these ‘peripheral’ register, field and bit are used
to define the source memory in memory-to-memory mode
attributes are defined by the DMA_MARx register, the
MSIZE[1:0] field and MINC bit of the DMA_CCRx register.
Regardless of their usual naming, these ‘memory’ register, field and bit are used to
define the destination peripheral in peripheral-to-peripheral mode.