Chapter 2. Library Overview
Introduction to the RLC
Overview of the RLC
Many of the same operations performed from the OCP can also be performed remotely
using the Remote Library Controller (RLC).
The RLC lets you monitor and control your library from any computer connected to
your network or through a Web browser. The RLC is a dedicated, protected application
that displays a graphical representation of your library. In most cases, the RLC provides
more detailed information than the OCP (e.g., messages and logs); it also provides a
more efficient means of configuring the library and performing day-to-day operations.
Spectra Logic recommends using the RLC as much as possible.
Accessing the RLC
To access the RLC interface, log in with a password (Figure 2-3).
For login instructions, see
Logging in to the RLC
on page 31.
For information on user types and their levels of access, see
RLC Users
on page 15.
Figure 2-3
The Login screen.