1. Work Flow Using ClockBuilder Pro and the Register Map
This reference manual is to be used to describe all the functions and features of the parts in the product family with register map details
on how to implement them. It is important to understand that the intent is for customers to use the
to provide
the initial configuration for the device. Although the register map is documented, all the details of the algorithms to implement a valid
frequency plan are fairly complex and are beyond the scope of this document. Real-time changes to the frequency plan and other oper-
ating settings are supported by the devices. However, describing all the possible changes is not a primary purpose of this document.
Refer to the applications notes and
articles within the ClockBuilder Pro GUI for information on how to implement the
most common, real-time frequency plan changes.
The primary purpose of the software is to enable use of the device without an in-depth understanding of its complexities. The software
abstracts the details from the user to allow focus on the high level input and output configuration, making it intuitive to understand and
configure for the end application. The software walks the user through each step, with explanations about each configuration step in the
process to explain the different options available. The software will restrict the user from entering an invalid combination of selections.
The final configuration settings can be saved, written to an EVB and a custom part number can be created for customers who prefer to
order a factory preprogrammed device. The final register maps can be exported to text files, and comparisons can be done by viewing
the settings in the register map described in this document.
1.1 Field Programming
To simplify design and software development of systems using the Si5397/96, a field programmer is available in addition to the evalua-
tion board. The ClockBuilder Pro Field Programmer supports both “in-system” programming (for devices already mounted on a PCB),
as well as “in-socket” programming of Si5397/96 sample devices. Refer to
Si5397/96 Reference Manual
Work Flow Using ClockBuilder Pro and the Register Map
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