PT610, PT620, PT630
Instruction Manual
if required without continuing to span adjustment.(
Zero adjustment and span adjustment under load, performed in sequence via keys, if the scale
cannot be emptied when span adjustment is required. Calibration weights are required for span
calibration. (
You can access the calibration menu from the operation menu by following the description in the “Fast
access to calibration” section (6.1). After calibration and after saving the adjustment return to the
operating menu (6.1)
Remember: You may use parameter
[918] to monitor the load cell output voltage during loading
for diagnostic purposes if you can not perform the calibration due to errors.
If the DIP switch (6.1) has been set to ON for programming, push it to the off position to lock the scale
adjustment against access by non-authorised persons. If the scale is used in non-trade industrial
weighing, this step is not essential, but is recommended.
Scale set-up and calibration should be performed according to the needs of your application.
Please read this document carefully and select the parameter values which will fit your
application before programming the instrument.
You cannot change Set-up parameter values and calibration after sealing the instrument in
legal usage, be sure the proper adjustments have been done before sealing the scale.
Check the scale performance by testing the scale eccentricity, scale linearity with loading up to the
maximum loading value, repeatability, etc. before putting the scale into use.
Connection to the standard serial ports can be made as below, for connection to peripherals and may
assist in setup and calibration.
RS 232C port usage and specifications are shown in the table below. Refer to 5.4.10 Serial Data
Communication of the manual to set up this interface.
Interfacing with a Printer, PC, PLC or remote display
connection. Connection to AzCom Software.
Data formats
Continuous, Fast Continuous, Printer Format, BSI Protocol,
Modbus-RTU (with option), barcode&ID reader.
You will find the data format details in (
Baud rate
1200 to 57600 bps, 9600 (Default) (
Length and parity 7 or 8 bits - parity Even, Odd, None. Default 8-N (
Start / Stop bits
1 start bit and 1 stop bit
Table 1: RS-232C Serial Interface Specifications
The connection to the indicator RS-232 port is made as below. Connection to external equipment can
be either 2 wire for transmitting data only to a printer, PC or remote display or 3 wire for conversational
transmission where it is necessary to send the indicator commands or set up information.
Illustration 1: 2 wire Connection with a printer
Illustration 2: 3 wire connection to a PC
Connecting the shield to the reference ground will protect your weighing system against EMC