PT610, PT620, PT630
Instruction Manual
73 [312 LIMITS] – Limit mode
Limits can be set as a weight value, an allowable weight deviation (tolerance) or an allowable
percentage deviation.
VAL = The weight value entry
TOL = Absolute deviations from Target value
% = Percent deviation (relative deviation) from target value. [313 INFODIS] – Information display
The data to be shown on the information display during EzAz application operation.
NO = No application messages
ID1T = ID1 data and Target
ID2T = ID2 data and Target [314 DISPLAY] – Auxiliary display
Additional display features can be enabled for easy viewing of application status.
NO = Auxilary displaying is disabled.
BAR = Only the bar graph operates.
COLO = Only display colour change warns the operator.
ALL = Bar graph and display colour
functions are activated. [315 Colors] – Backlight colours
The display backlight can change colour in the selected sequence as the load increases through the
tolerance bands of the application.
RAAY = Red, amber, green, amber, yellow YAAR = Yellow, amber, green, amber, red
RBAY = Red, blue, green, amber, yellow YABR = Yellow, amber, green, blue, red [316 CHANGE] – Backlight change
The backlight can change immediately the threshold is crossed or only once the weight is stable.
IMME = Immediately change even if unstable.
STAB = Change if the scale is stable. [317 ACOUSTI] – Warning sound
NO = Disabled
OKAY = One beep if okay
OVER = One beep if over
CROS = One beep at every limit crossing.
6.4.2 [32_] – EzAz Use partameters
Parameters affecting the use or operation of the EzAz applications.
Not present on the PT610. These parameters are only available for the PT620 and PT630. [321 START] – Starting the application
The EzAz application can be started (when in normal weighing mode) in a number of ways.
MANU = EzAz application starts by pressing a key or serial port or digital input.
AUTO = EzAz application starts if the load is heavier than the empty range.
SAUT = EzAz application starts if a configured digital input is active.
PORT = EzAz application starts only with a serial port command or with a digital input. [322 FILLING] – Filling mode
Information on the left of the info display
GROS = Filling by Gross weight.
NET = Filling by Net weight after automatic taring. [323 STAREDELA] – Delay auto-tare
Set the delay X.X seconds before automatic taring in Net filling mode. Default = 0.7. [324 TOTAL] – Totalling mode
NO = Disabled
HORI = Horizontal totalling
VERT = Vertical totalling [325 GT ERASE] – Grand Total erase
MRC = Erase by pressing the
keys during display of the Grand Total.
PASS = Erase after entering the keylock password. [326 OUTPUTS] – Output relay switching
The output relays can switch at a target either immediately or once the weight is stabilised.
IMME = Immediately change even if the weight is unstable.
STAB = Change if the scale is stable.
Not present on PT610. See [367] for PT6106.4.6.7.
6.4.3 [33_] – Dynamic in motion Weighing
Parameters to configure dynamic weighing.