PT610, PT620, PT630
Instruction Manual
Operational parameters are set in this block for the scale.
6.5.1 [51_] – Scale Setup
Parameters to set up some basic characteristics of the scale. [511 APROVAL] – Approved/Industrial
NO = Industrial
NO-T = Industrial weighing of tank, hopper or silo (Taring, AZTrack and Power on Zero are disabled)
OIML = Approved scale, OIML [512 HIGHRES] – Hi-Res operation
TEMP = Temporary indication with key.
ALWA = Always high resolution
TOGG = Toggle. Start and end high resolution by pressing key alternately. [513 PWR ZERO] – Zero at power on
NO = Disable.
2% = ± 2%
10% = ± %10
15-5 = + %15, - %5
20% = ± %20
2%LK = ± 2%, [ POWER ON ZERO ERR ] prompt cannot be erased. Call service. [514 ZEROING] – Zero key range
NO = Disable.
2% = ± 2%
3% = ± 3%
20% = ± 20%
50% = ± 50% [515 AZTRACK] – Auto. Zero tracking
NO = Disable.
0.3d = ± 0.3d
0.5d = ± 0.5d
1d = ± 1d
2d = ± 2d
3d = ± 3d [516 STABLE] – Stability band
NO = Disable.
0.3d = ± 0.3d
0.5d = ± 0.5d
1d = ± 1d
2d = ± 2d
3d = ± 3d
4d = ± 4d
The indicator considers the weight stable if it stays in the stability band (above) for the stability time
(below). [517 STBTIME] – Stability time
The scale is accepted as a stable if the weight stays within the stability band (above) for this time.
0.1…. 9.9 seconds. Default = 0.7s. [518 MIN TARE] – Min. Auto-Tare
Minimum tare for automatic taring to function.
If automatic Taring is set it will only be performed if the weight is more than MIN TARE,
Enter value XXX.XXX. Default is 20. [519 MINWEIGT] – Min. weight for print
Minimum weight to produce printout.
A printout is produced only if the load is heavier than MINWEIGHT
Enter a value XXX.XXX. Default is 20. [51A TILT] – Tilt switch
NO = Not used.
OPEN = Normally open contact.
CLOS = Normally closed contact.
A tilt switch can be used to prevent incorrect weighing results in portable scales.
6.5.2 [52_] – Scale Build
Parameters to configure the type, capacity and division. [521 UNIT] – Weight units
NO = None
g = Grams
kg = Kilograms
t = Tonne (or ton)
oz = Ounces
lb = Pounds
FBUS = Controlled by Fieldbus or BSI command