PT610, PT620, PT630
Instruction Manual
Analogue to digital converter, converts the analogue signal into a digital signal.
Digital to analogue converter, converts the digital signal to an analogue signal, usually after some digital
signal processing.
Dead weight:
Dead weight is the self weight of the platform or scale load carrying structure on the load cells without
the contents or items to be weighed. The output voltage of the load cell in response to the weight of the
platform is usually the zero offset. The zero offset must be within the range of the instrument adjustment
for correct operation.
Live weight
The weight that is applied to the scale and shown on the indicator.
Excitation voltage:
The voltage that is supplied by the indicator to the load cell.
Load cell:
Load cell is a device that converts force to electronic voltage. A load cell consists of two parts. The first
part is a sensor that can be linearly distorted according to the force applied to it. The second part is the
strain gauge element which changes its resistance according to the distortion of the sensor.
Load cell rated output:
The output voltage from the load cell divided by the excitation voltage at load cell rated capacity. This is
usually expressed in mV/V.
Input range:
The maximum range of input that the device can accept. This is usually stated in mV and for a full load
cell system is calculated from the number of load cells (Lcn), mV/V (LCmv) and capacity (LCcap) and
also the maximum total load (TL) (including dead load) on the load cells and the excitation voltage (EV).
Input Range (mV) = TL / (LCn * LCcap) * LCmv * EV
Note: A summing box with corner adjustment will reduce this value slightly.
Full scale output. Errors may be presented as a % of the full output range after calibration.
Product Look Up. A code to look up values stored in product information
Counting Look Up. A code to look up values stored for counting
Average product weight. Used in parts counting, this is the average weight of one piece of product,
determined by weighing a sample and dividing by the number of parts.
Amount Look Up. A code to look up values stored in memory in relation to the amounts (quantity) of
parts in check weighing.
Span Adjustment
Adjust the indicator so that when the load on the scale is changed the scale correctly shows the same
Numbers shown in square brackets in bold refer to parameters set during configuration.
Words shown in square brackets in bold refer to prompts shown on the display.
Words shown in angled brackets in bold refer to keys of the keypad.