PT610, PT620, PT630
Instruction Manual
68 [177 LF AFTER] – LF after print
Enter the number of linfeeds before printing data. + = Forward , - = Backward
Use the
key to cycle through the options “NO”,1,2….9. Default = +4
Example= -2 means 2 line feeds backwards. [178 FORM F] – Form feed
NO = Don’t forform a form feed
YES = Perform a form feed after printing [179 LEFT SP] – Left margin
0-9 spaces added to the left for a margin. Default = 3 [17A COPY] – Left margin
0-9 copies of the ticket to be printed. Default = 1
6.2.8 [18_] – Barcode/ID Setup
Setup for a bardcode or ID device reader.
This is not available on the PT610, PT620. [181 STX] – STX
NO = Reader doesn’t send STX
YES = Reader sends STX [182 PREFIX] – Prfix discard
The number of leading characters (after any STX) discarded. Default = 32. [183 LENGTH] – Data length
The data length (after any STX or prefix) to capture. Default = 32. [184 AUTOSAVE] – Auto-save data
NO = Press
to save the reader data.
YES = The reader data is automatically saved.
6.2.9 [19_] – Option Card
Only active if the analogue output option card is fitted
The parameter entries under sub-block
vary depending upon any option card fitted. [19_] – Analogue output
Only active if the analogue output option card is fitted
[191 TYPE] – Analogue mode
4-20 = 4 mA - 20 mA
0-20 = 0 mA - 20 mA
0-10 = 0 VDC- 10 VDC
0-5 = 0 VDC- 5 VDC
[192 MINIMUM] – Output at zero
The analogue output at indicator 0 value. Default 0.00
Example enter 1.0 to set output to 1.0 volt at 0 kg in the 0 -10 V range.
[193 MAXIMUM] – Output at capacity
The analogue output at indicator full capacity value. Default 0.00 to disable.
Example enter 9.0 to set output to 9.0 volt at Max Load in the 0 -10 V range.
[194 SOURCE] – Analogue source
GROS= Gross weight
INDI = Indicated weight
[195 ZERO ADJ] – Adjust zero
Increase or decrease the output with an empty scale with the
[196 SPAN ADJ] – Adjust gain
Increase or decrease the gain for fine output adjustment with a loaded scale with the
[197 AUTO ADJ] – Reset adjustments
NO = Disable
YES = Automatic adjustment between Min. and Max. limits if they have been changed.