PT610, PT620, PT630
Instruction Manual
3. Interface command ASCII < P >,
4. BSI commands which request a stable weight,
5. Print commands of any fieldbus interface,
6. Digital I/O < Print > input.
The alibi memory recording principle is loop memory which overwrites the oldest record after the
capacity limit of 999 999 records is reached. You can quickly access the record of a specific weighing
by entering suitable search criteria.
5.4.8 Stability filter
You can change the digital filtering with this parameter to compensate for the influence on the scale of
vibration or motion in the environment or to increase performance or for faster response. Enter
configuration (6.1) and access parameter block
5.4.9 Tare Operation
The PT6X0 series can have the tare function programmed to operate in 4 different modes with the tare
Enter configuration (6.1) and access the parameter blocks below to make the settings.
NO = Disabled
MULTI = Multiple taring enabled. Re-Tare while in Net mode.
GROS = Taring only in Gross mode
PT = Preset tare and tare with key or via serial interface.
PT-G = Preset tare and tare in Gross mode.
Auto Tare
NO = Disabled
YES = Auto tare, if the gross load is bigger than MIN TARE and stable.
Auto Tare Clear
NO = Disabled
*YES = Tare value is cleared automatically after unloading
Save Tare at power off
NO = Disabled
***YES = Tare value is saved at power off and restored at next power on
*Note: This implies a change back to Gross mode.
***This is useful with silos and hoppers where it is difficult if the Tare status is lost at power off.
Tare mode
[231] ... [234]
( ( ( ( requires metrological access.
5.4.10 Serial Data Communication
Serial data output, including printing, is controlled in the interface menus
(6.2.5) when fitted. and
(6.2.6). The choice of settings is very
comprehensive. Refer to 5.2.4 for printing. Serial Port RS-232C.1
The RS-232C port is industry standard connecting easily to most PCs and ideal for shorter distances
and configuration. You can connect to a PC with only a USB port with a USB-RS232C adapter and
cable available from PT (Parts
Enter configuration (6.2.1) to access parameter blocks to make the settings below.
Set data format or mode from no data transfer, continuous data output, print mode, BSI command
mode, Modbus RTU High-Low, Modbus RTU Low-High, Fast continuous mode.
Set baud rate, address, data bits and parity, checksum, carriage return, line feed and response speed. Serial Port RS-232C.2
The RS-232C port is industry standard connecting easily to most PCs and ideal for shorter distances
and configuration. You can connect to a PC with only a USB port with a USB-RS232C adapter and
cable available from PT (Parts
Enter configuration (6.2.2) to access parameter blocks to make the settings below.
Set data format or mode from no data transfer, continuous data output, print mode, BSI command
mode, Modbus RTU High-Low, Modbus RTU Low-High, Fast continuous mode.
Set baud rate, address, data bits and parity, checksum, carriage return, line feed and response speed. Serial Port RS-485
RS-485 is best suited for longer transmission distances, multi-device networks and higher speeds in
noisy environments. You can connect to a PC with only a USB port with a USB-RS485 cable available
from PT (Part
Enter configuration (6.2.3) to access parameter blocks to make the settings below.
Set data format or mode from no data transfer, continuous data output, print mode, BSI command
mode, Modbus RTU High-Low, Modbus RTU Low-High, Fast continuous mode.
Set baud rate, address, data bits and parity, checksum, carriage return, line feed and response speed.