PT610, PT620, PT630
Instruction Manual
66 [139 ADDRESS] – Port address
00 to 99 (01 default, 00 = transmission without address)
6.2.5 [15_] – Ethernet TCP/IP
This sub-block includes the parameters related to the built in Ethernet interface of the PT630.
Not present on PT610, PT620. Can be installed as an option card for PT610 under
. [151 FORMAT] – Data Format
NO = Port is disabled
CONT = Continuous data output
FAST = High speed continuous data output PRNT = Printout
BSI = BSI format for PC, PLC interface
BARC = Bar code reader, ID device
MBHL = Modbus RTU High-Low format
MBLH = Modbus RTU Low-High format [152 IP] – IP Address
Enter the IP address with the keypad. The default is “”. [153 ADDRESS] – Device Address
Enter a value between 000 and 255, 000 = transmission without an address for the device. [154 SUB MASK] – Subnet Mask
Enter the subnet mask. The default is “”. [155 GATEWAY] – Gateway Address
Enter the IP address of the gatewaywith the keypad. The default is “”. [156 LOCAL P1] – Local Port 1
Enter a value between 00001 and 65535 for the device. The default is “00502”. This is a protected port
on some systems and you may need to change to a value above “01024” [157 LOCAL P2] – Local Port 2
Enter a value between 00001 and 65535 for the device. The default is “00503”. This is a protected port
on some systems and you may need to change to a value above “01024” [158 LOCAL P3] – Local Port 3
Enter a value between 00001 and 65535 for the device. The default is “00504”. This is a protected port
on some systems and you may need to change to a value above “01024” [159 DNS] – DNS address
Enter the address of the Domain Name Server. The default is “”. [15A MAC ADR] – MAC Address
Enter a MAC address for the port. The format is “AA=BB=CC=DD=EE=FF” [15B TIMEOUT] – Idle timeout
Enter a value between 01 and 60 for the device. The default is “5”. “00” will disable idle timeout. [15C CR-LF] – CR+LF
NO = no CR
YES = CR enabled
Enable or disable sending of the ASCII 13 folowed by ASCII 10 characters for continuous data format. [15D Delay] – Response speed
000 to 999 miliseconds (50 default)
Data output delay for Modbus and BSI formats; delay between continuous format data packets.
Note: This property is very helpful for slow PLC systems. [15E REMOTE IP] – Remote IP Addr.
Enter the IP address with the keypad. The default is “”. [15F REMOTE PO] – Remote Port
Enter a value between 00001 and 65535 for the device. The default is “00000”. This is a protected port
on some systems and you may need to change to a value above “01024”