Change the month.
The day on which the most recent images were recorded in the displayed month is selected.
Search criteria
Select the folder to search.
To search a folder other than the destination folder, select [Selected], click
[Browse] and select a folder. Due to the operating system specifications
(UAC: User Account Control) of Windows Vista and Windows 7, when
[Program Files] of the start-up drive is specified in the destination folder,
recorded images are automatically saved in separate folders. When this
software is installed to C:\Program Files\Panasonic\NCR4 in Windows
Vista and Windows 7, folders are saved to: C:\User\(user name)\AppData
\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Panasonic\Ncr4\ncrdata. Do not directly
set the [AppData] folder as the search destination folder.
Select the camera to search.
When configuring the date, check the checkbox and input the desired date.
Time Period
To search by time period, select the [Time Period] check box and enter a
time frame.
Weekly Setting
Select the desired days of the week.
Recording Type
Select the [Recording Type] that you wish to search for.
Starting Type
Select the type of startup when you wish to search for.
Select [Keyword] to activate the keyword searches.
Enter a keyword when there are keywords set for recorded images.
Partial match: searches for keywords that contain part of the keyword that
was entered.
Perfect match: searches for keywords that are exact matches to the
keyword that was entered.
Keyword1/2: searches for both the Keyword1 and Keyword2 set for
recorded images.
Keyword1: only searches for Keyword1.
Keyword2: only searches for Keyword2.
The search parameters are reset to their initial status when you click [Clear Search Criteria].
To search all recorded images, click [Clear Search Criteria] and [Search].
If you change the month, images that match the criteria for the new month are displayed.
Selecting the Day with Recording Images to Playback
On the calendar, click the day that has the images that you want to playback.
If you click on a day that is bold, the images recorded on that day are displayed in the chart for each
Operating Instructions
2.6.1 Selecting Recorded Images to Play