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User manual
Rev. 02 — 1 June 2007
107 of 362
NXP Semiconductors
Chapter 8: LPC2800 EMC
10.24 Static Memory Page Mode Read Delay Registers
(EMCStaticwaitPage0-2 - 0x8000 8210,30,50)
The EMCStaticWaitPage0-2 Registers control how long the EMC waits before sampling
read data, in subsequent accesses in an asynchronous page mode burst. These registers
should only be modified during system initialization, or when there are no current or
outstanding transactions. This can be ensured by waiting until the EMC is idle, and then
entering low-power or disabled mode. This register is accessed with one wait state.
shows the EMCStaticWaitPage0-2 Registers.
10.25 Static Memory Write Delay Registers (EMCStaticWaitwr0-2 -
0x8000 8214,34,54)
The EMCStaticWaitWr0-2 Registers control the delay from chip select to the write access.
These registers should only be modified during system initialization, or when there are no
current or outstanding transactions. This can be ensured by waiting until the EMC is idle,
and then entering low-power or disabled mode. These registers are not used if the
extended wait (EW) bit is 1 in the EMCStaticConfig Register. These registers are
accessed with one wait state.
shows the EMCStaticWaitWr0-2 Registers.
Table 101. Static Memory Read Delay Registers (EMCStaticWaitRd0-2 - addresses
0x8000 820C, 0x8000 822C, 0x8000 824C)
Static memory initialization code should write this field with one less
than the number of AHB HCLK cycles that equals or just exceeds (the
LPC288x max for clock to chip select assertion, plus the SDRAM max
access time from chip select, plus the LPC288x min read data setup to
clock). This field controls how long the EMC waits before sampling
read data, in non-page mode read operations, and in the first access in
an asynchronous page mode burst. The power-on reset value selects
32 AHB HCLK cycles.
Reserved, user software should not write ones to reserved bits. The
value read from a reserved bit is not defined.
Table 102. Static Memory Page Mode Read Delay Registers 0-2 (EMCStaticWaitPage0-2 -
addresses 0x8000 8210, 0x8000 8230, 0x8000 8250)
Static memory initialization code should write this field with one
less than the number of AHB HCLK cycles that equals or just
exceeds (the LPC288x max for clock to A[1:0] valid, plus the
SDRAM max page mode access time from address, plus the
LPC2800 min for data setup time to clock). This field controls how
long the EMC waits before sampling read data, in subsequent
accesses in an asynchronous page mode burst. The power-on
reset value selects 32 AHB HCLK cycles.
Reserved, user software should not write ones to reserved bits.
The value read from a reserved bit is not defined.