AFP-400 Installation
PN 50253:A2 03/12/96
Auxiliary Fire Alarm System
The following diagram shows typical wiring for an Auxiliary Fire Alarm
System (
Municipal Box connected to a 4XTM).
Note the following:
1) All connections are power limited and supervised.
2) Municipal Box wiring can leave the building.
3) Maximum loop resistance allowed for wiring from the control panel to
the municipal box is 3 ohms. Electrical values for the Auxiliary Fire
Alarm System are:
Supervisory current
5.0 mA
Trip current
0.35 A (subtracted from notification
appliance power)
Coil voltage
3.65 VDC
Coil resistance
14.6 ohms
Electrical Values
The Local Energy Municipal Box circuit is nonpower limited. Maintain at
least a 0.25-inch space between the Municipal Box Circuit wiring and all
power limited circuit wiring.
NFPA 72 Auxiliary requires
60 hours of standby power.
4XTM Transmitter Module
(activated position shown)
Model M34-56
Local Energy
Municipal Box
Wiring Diagram
Municipal Box Circuit
NFPA 72-1993 Auxiliary Fire Alarm System