AFP-400 Installation
PN 50253:A2 03/12/96
Specifications, continued
The MPS-400 provides a total of
6.0 Amps of power, shared by all
internal modules and each MPS-
400 circuit. For power require-
ments, refer to Power Supply
Calculation Tables in this section.
Power Outputs
There are two power limited circuits available to power external devices,
such as notification appliances and annunciators. Refer to the Device
Compatibility Document (Document 15378) for compatible detectors.
Secondary Power Source
MPS-400 terminals TB2-5 (+) and TB2-6 () supply power for four-wire
smoke detectors. Specifications for TB2-5 and TB2-6 are:
Max. ripple voltage: 10 mV
Up to 1.25 A is available for powering four-wire smoke detectors
24 VDC
Refer to the Device Compatibility Document
(Document 15378) for compatible detectors.
Four-wire Smoke Detector
The MPS-400 provides a total of
6.0 Amps of power, shared by
all internal modules and each
MPS-400 circuit. For more
information, refer to Power
Supply Calculation tables in
Section 2.
Circuit A
Circuit B
TB2-1 (+) and TB2-2 (-) TB2-3 (+) and TB2-4 (-)
Nominal Voltage
24 VDC
Max. rated current
1.25 amps DC
1.25 amps DC
Max. ripple voltage
100 mVrms
100 mVrms
Power Limited Circuits
Operating Power
AC Branch Circuit
This control panel requires connection to a separate dedicated AC
branch circuit. Follow these guidelines when connecting the AC branch
Label the branch circuit FIRE ALARM.
Connect the branch circuit to the line side of the main power feed of
the protected premises.
Do not power other equipment from the fire alarm branch circuit.
Run the branch circuit wire continuously, without any disconnect
devices, from the power source to the fire alarm control panel.
Overcurrent protection for this circuit must comply with Article 760 of
the National Electrical Codes as well as local codes.
Use #14 AWG wire with 600 volt insulation for this branch circuit.
Connect the Earth ground terminal of TB-1 to a solid earth ground (a
metallic cold water pipe may be suitable in some installations). This
connection is vital to maintaining the control panel's immunity to
unwanted transients generated by lightning and electrostatic discharge.
The battery charger is current limited and can recharge sealed lead acid
type batteries. The charger shuts off when the AFP-400 is in alarm.