Ver. 3.003 (24/4/03)
CONCEPT IQ. PLUS Programmer’s Manual.
(Data Type)
Dialer reporting for various System Inputs can be enabled by selecting the required System Input dialer enable options.
1 - AC fail
2 - Low battery
3 - Cabinet Tamper
4 - Keypad Lockout
5 - Comm Fail / System Reset / Real-Time-Clock Problem
6 - Siren Monitor
7 - PWR Fuse / Battery fuse
8 - Zone Self-test Fail
These options determine how the PANIC, FIRE, MEDICAL, and DURESS alarms will be processed.
These settings will affect:
Panic alarms generated by Keypad Panic AND Zone Inputs programmed as the “24 Hour Panic” Zone Type. (Zone Type 12)
Fire alarms generated by Keypad Fire. (Siren & Dialer options for “24Hr Fire Zones are determined by Zone Options)
Medical alarms generated by Keypad Medical.
Duress alarms generated by Keypad Duress AND Zone Inputs programmed as the “24Hr Duress” Zone Type. (Zone Type 13)
1 - Panic alarms will activate the Siren.
2 - Panic alarms will activate the Dialer.
3 - Fire alarms will activate the Siren.
4 - Fire alarms will activate the Dialer.
5 - Medical alarms will activate the Siren.
6 - Medical alarms will activate the Dialer.
7 - Duress alarms will activate the Dialer.
When enabled, the Emergency alarms generated by the Keypad do not activate the “FAULT” Lamp. However, “View Fault History”
(<NEXT> 13) can be used to view any Keypad Emergency Alarms that have occurred in the last 5 Arming periods.
(Option Data)
1 - Yes
2 - Yes
3 - Yes
4 - No
5 - Yes
6 - Yes
7 - Yes
8 - No
(Option Data)
1 - Yes
2 - Yes
3 - Yes
4 - Yes
5 - Yes
6 - Yes
7 - No