Ver. 3.003
CONCEPT IQ. PLUS Programmer’s Manual.
1) Program the “Re-Auto-Arm Time”. (0 to 255 Minutes. Factory Default = 30 Minutes)
NEXT 908
(Period of no Zone activity before Area will Auto-Arm after being Disarmed by a “Defer Arm Only” User Type)
2) Program one or more User PIN Codes for “Defer Arming” operation.
NEXT 403 to 447
Assign the Area required, and set the User Type to Type 3 - “Defer Arm Only”
3) Program the Auto-Arm Pre-Warn Time. (Factory Default = 255 seconds)
This is the warning time required before Auto-Arm occurs. (Via the Terminal Beeper)
NEXT 907
4) Program an Auxiliary Output if required to activate an additional Warning sounder.
a) Choose the Auxiliary to control and select the Event Type.
NEXT 801 (Aux 1), to 810 (Aux 10)
101 - Pre-Warn Area 1.
102 - Pre-Warn Area 2.
103 - Pre-Warn Area 3.
104 - Pre-Warn Area 4.
b) Check that the “Auxiliary Action” for the selected Auxiliary is set to Type 0 - “Follow Event Status”.
NEXT 861 (Aux 1), to 870 (Aux 10)
1) Check that a DTMF Card or DTMF & Voice Card are fitted.
2) Enable Option 5 - “DTMF Control” in General Options 2.
NEXT 891
3) Select Option 1 - “Remote Connect Enabled” in the Remote Connect Options.
NEXT 512
1) Program the Zone Input that the Keyswitch is connected to.
Assign Zone Type 14 - “KeySwitch Arm”, or Zone Type 15 - “KeySwitch Home to Arm in Home Mode.
NEXT 601 (Zone 1) to 616 (Zone 16)
Assign the Area that the KeySwitch will control.
1 = Area 1, 2 = Area 2, 3 = Area 3, 4 = Area 4.
NEXT 701 (Zone 1) to 716 (Zone 16)
2) Program the KeySwitch Type at Option 5 - “KeySwitch Zones Momentary” in “General Options 3”.
NEXT 892
Latching Keyswitch - Option 5 is Disabled.
Momentary Keyswitch - Option 5 in Enabled.