Technical Reference Manual
002-29852 Rev. *B
Bits Name
Default or
In UART TX IrDA submode this field indirectly
specifies the oversampling. The oversampling
determines the interface clock/bit cycle and the width
of the pulse. Only normal transmission mode is
supported, the pulse is roughly 3/16 of the bit period
(for all bit rates). There is only one valid OVS value:
- 0: 16 times oversampling.
SCB clock frequency of 16*115.2 KHz for 115.2 Kbps.
SCB clock frequency of 16*57.6 KHz for 57.6 Kbps.
SCB clock frequency of 16*38.4 KHz for 38.4 Kbps.
SCB clock frequency of 16*19.2 KHz for 19.2 Kbps.
SCB clock frequency of 16*9.6 KHz for 9.6 Kbps.
SCB clock frequency of 16*2.4 KHz for 2.4 Kbps.
SCB clock frequency of 16*1.2 KHz for 1.2 Kbps.
- all other values are not used in normal mode.
In UART RX IrDA submode (1.2, 2.4, 9.6, 19.2, 38.4,
57.6 and 115.2 Kbps) this field indirectly specifies the
oversampling. The oversampling determines the
interface clock/bit cycle and the width of the pulse. In
normal transmission mode, this pulse is roughly 3/16
of the bit period (for all bit rates). In low power
transmission mode, this pulse is potentially smaller
(down to 1.62 us typical and 1.41 us minimal) than
3/16 of the bit period (for < 115.2 Kbps bitrates). Pulse
widths greater or equal than two SCB clock cycles are
guaranteed to be detected by the receiver. Pulse
widths less than two SCB clock cycles and greater or
equal than one SCB clock cycle may be detected by
the receiver. Pulse widths less than one SCB clock
cycle will not be detected by the receiver.
RX_CTRL.MEDIAN should be set to '1' for IrDA
receiver functionality. The SCB clock (as provided by
the programmable clock block) and the oversampling
together determine the IrDA bitrate. Normal mode,
OVS field values (with the required SCB clock
- 0: 16 times oversampling.
SCB clock frequency of 16*115.2 KHz for 115.2 Kbps.
SCB clock frequency of 16*57.6 KHz for 57.6 Kbps.
SCB clock frequency of 16*38.4 KHz for 38.4 Kbps.
SCB clock frequency of 16*19.2 KHz for 19.2 Kbps.
SCB clock frequency of 16*9.6 KHz for 9.6 Kbps.
SCB clock frequency of 16*2.4 KHz for 2.4 Kbps.
SCB clock frequency of 16*1.2 KHz for 1.2 Kbps.
- all other values are not used in normal mode.
Low power mode, OVS field values (with the required
SCB clock frequency):
- 0: 16 times oversampling.
SCB clock frequency of 16*115.2 KHz for 115.2 Kbps.
- 1: 32 times oversampling.
SCB clock frequency of 32*57.6 KHz for 57.6 Kbps.
- 2: 48 times oversampling.
SCB clock frequency of 48*38.4 KHz for 38.4 Kbps.
- 3: 96 times oversampling.
SCB clock frequency of 96*19.2 KHz for 19.2 Kbps.
- 4: 192 times oversampling.
TRAVEO™ T2G Automotive MCU: TVII-B-E-4M body controller entry registers