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Technical Support
Support Websites
For an overview of IBM Aspera Support services, go to
To view product announcements, webinars, and knowledgebase articles, as well as access the Aspera Support
Community Forum, sign into the IBM Aspera Support site at
using your IBMid
(not your company Aspera credentials), or set up a new account. Search for Aspera and select the product. Click
to receive notifications when new knowledgebase articles are available.
Personalized Support
You may contact an Aspera support technician 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, through the following methods, with a
guaranteed 4-hour response time.
Phone (North America)
+1 (510) 849-2386, option 2
Phone (Europe)
+44 (0) 207-993-6653 option 2
Phone (Singapore)
+81 (0) 3-4578-9357 option 2
Legal Notice
2010- 2018- 2019 Aspera, Inc., an IBM Company. All rights reserved.
Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
Copyright IBM Corp., 2007, 2019. Used under license.
US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.
Aspera, the Aspera logo, and FASP transfer technology are trademarks of Aspera, Inc., registered in the United States.
Aspera Drive, IBM Aspera High-Speed Transfer Server (a merger of IBM products formerly named Aspera Connect
Server and Aspera HST Server, 2008 and 2007), IBM Aspera High-Speed Endpoint (formerly Aspera Point-to-Point,
2006), IBM Aspera Desktop Client (formerly Aspera Client, 2005), Aspera Connect, Aspera Cargo, Aspera Console,
Aspera Orchestrator, Aspera Crypt, Aspera Shares, the Aspera Add-in for Microsoft Outlook, Aspera FASPStream,
and Aspera Faspex are trademarks of Aspera, Inc. All other trademarks mentioned in this document are the property
of their respective owners. Mention of third-party products in this document is for informational purposes only. All
understandings, agreements, or warranties, if any, take place directly between the vendors and the prospective users.