Digital Communications Interfaces ________________________________________________________
Hubbell Power Systems, Inc.
July 1, 2022
©2022 Hubbell Incorporated
7.3.2 Timeslot Configuration Rules
The rules which determine other behaviors of these tabs and the options available in the drop-
downs for both function and interface are defined below.
: The rules will be more comprehensible after going through this whole section.
Bus Master and Bus Timing
If only one interface is programmed on a Bus, then that interface is the “Bus Master”. Its
“Timing” is set to “Internal” or “Loop”, selected by the user. Default is Internal.
If more than one interface is programmed on a Bus, the Bus Master may be selected in
the drop-down menu.
DEFAULT: The module which occupies the lowest # timeslot is the default Bus Master.
For example, if you select G.703 on TS2 and then select C37.94 on TS1, C37.94 is the
If an interface is programmed on a Bus (occupying at least one timeslot on the Bus), but
is not the Bus Master, it is programmed as a “Slave”. When this is the case, its timing is
forced to INTERNAL.
For RS-449/X.21/V.35, C37.94, and Long-Haul Fiber: Framing is ENABLED on an
interface if more than one timeslot is used on that interface.
The 64kbps framing data is only added to the interface not the bus. Interfaces can still
use all 12 timeslots of a bus for a total of 13x64kbps data rate. The C37.94 interface is
limited to 12x64kbps according to the standard and therefore can only utilize 11
timeslots plus framing.
If a Service Channel is enabled over an interface, that interface has framing ENABLED
automatically, regardless of how many timeslots it occupies.
T1/E1 Specifics
A T1/E1 module occupies ALL timeslots on the bus. If a T1/E1 module is selected for
any timeslot, all other timeslots are assigned to the T1/E1 module. Also, any unused
“function” timeslots are automatically set to “Idle”.
If another module is already occupying a timeslot on a Bus, and a T1/E1 module is
selected as the interface on another timeslot, it will “kick out” the other module, and all
timeslots will be populated with T1/E1.
If a T1/E1 module is already occupying a Bus, and another module like C37.94 is
selected as the interface on a timeslot on that Bus, it will replace the T1/E1 module from
all other timeslots on that Bus.
If the T1/E1 is selected as the bus interface, and there are two T1/E1 modules installed
in the chassis, and both are programmed as “Drop-and-Insert”, then the option in the
Function drop-down called “Not Used” is re-named “Pass-Thru”. Pass-thru timeslots
will not terminate locally and will traverse between the two buses/interfaces.