HP Vectra XU PC – Setting Up
Troubleshooting and Error Messages
Troubleshooting and Error Messages
This chapter explains how to solve problems you may find when using the PC:
If the display does not work.
If the PC does not work and no error messages are displayed.
If the PC does not work and error messages are displayed:
if a system ROM error message appears
if a POST error message appears
if BIOS and Operating System messages appear.
If you have a hardware problem:
if you lose the key
if a flexible disk drive does not work
if a hard disk does not work
if a SCSI device does not work
if all SCSI devices stop working
if the keyboard or mouse do not work
if the printer does not work
if an accessory board does not work.
If you have other problems:
if you have software problems
if you forget the passwords
if you can't start SETUP
if the date and time are incorrect
if you have problems running your backup programs.
If the Display Does Not Work
If Screen Blanking does not work:
Check your PC has an integrated video adapter on the system board.
Screen Blanking does not work with a Matrox video adapter board.
If nothing is displayed on the screen, but the PC starts and the keyboard, disk drives and
other peripheral devices seem to operate properly: