Cisco uBR7200 Series Universal Broadband Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 1 Overview of Cisco uBR7200 Series Software
Supported Software Features for the Cisco uBR7200 Series
DOCSIS 1.0+ Feature Support
Concatenation for DOCSIS 1.0+
12.1(1)T and later releases in multiple trains support
DOCSIS 1.0+ on the Cisco uBR7200 Series.
Dynamic MAC messages
Multiple SIDs per Cable Modem
Separate Downstream Rates
Unsolicited Grant Service
(CBR-scheduling) on the Upstream
DOCSIS 1.1 Feature Support
Baseline Privacy Interface Plus
12.2(4)BC1 and later 12.2 BC and 12.3 BC releases
Burst Profile Configuration
12.2(4)BC1 and later 12.2 BC and 12.3 BC releases
Cable Modulation Profile Default
12.1(3a)EC1 and later 12.1 EC releases
DHCP Cable Modem Host ID
12.0(4)T, with additional enhancements and support in 12.0 (6)
SC, 12.1(2) EC1, 12.1(3a)EC, 12.2(15)BC2 and later releases
DHCP Client ID/Remote ID Options
12.0(16)SC3 and later releases in multiple release trains
DHCP, Time of Day (ToD) and TFTP
Multiple releases in multiple release trains beginning with 12.0
early deployment releases
DOCSIS 1.1 Quality of Service
12.2 BC and 12.3 BC release trains, with additional DOCSIS 1.1
features supported in certain earlier Cisco IOS 12.1 EC and 12.0
SC release trains. Includes:
Concatenation for DOCSIS 1.1
DOCSIS 1.0 and 1.0+ Cable Modem Support
DOCSIS 1.1 Service Flow Model
Downstream QoS Handling Supported
Dynamic MAC Messages
Dynamic Map-Advance
Dynamic SID Support
Fragmentation (Layer 2)
Multiple SID Support
Payload Header Suppression (PHS)
QoS Configuration
QoS Profile Enforcement
Time-of-Day Server
Trivial File Transfer Protocol Server
Type/Length/Value Parser and Encoder
UpstreamAddress Verification
Upstream QoS Improvements
Upstream QoS Models Supported
Table 1-9
Cisco uBR7200 Series Routers Features by Cisco IOS Release (continued)
Supporting Cisco IOS Releases