Drive Replacement (using a redundant RAID mode such as RAID 1, 5, or 6 with a hot
spare confi gured)
If your TeraStation's drives are in a redundant RAID mode, and you have a hot spare enabled, a malfunctioning drive in
the array is replaced by the spare disk and the RAID array is rebuilt automatically. The Status LED will continue to glow
red for the failed drive even after the RAID array is rebuilt with the hot spare. This section describes the replacement pro-
cess for a hard drive while the TeraStation is still on.
Open the front cover with the included key.
The failed drive's status LED will be glowing red. Push its unlock button and swing the lock mechanism out.
Hard drives without red Status LEDs lit are still on. Do not unplug or remove them. If you do so, data may be
lost or the TeraStation may malfunction.
Pull out the hard drive cartridge and remove it from the TeraStation.
Insert the new hard drive (sold separately) into the empty slot. Slide the drive in with the locking mechanism open.
Swing the lock back down until it clicks into place.
When the replacement hard drive is recognized, the status LED will fl ash red and the message "Press FuncSW I31
New Disk x ready" will be displayed on the LCD panel.
Hold down the function button on the front of the TeraStation for 3 seconds until it beeps. The replacement hard
drive is automatically registered as a hot spare.
To use the replacement disk as a normal drive rather than a hot spare, navigate to [Drives] - [RAID] and click the
RAID array in the TeraStation's Web Admin interface, select the new drive, and click [Set as a normal disk].
You have now completed the hard drive replacement process.
Replacing a non-malfunctioning hard drive
Do not replace a hard drive which is not malfunctioning (unless it has been converted to a media cartridge).
• If you are operating in RAID 0 mode, all data on that RAID array will be deleted after performing this procedure. You
will not be able to use the TeraStation until you reformat the hard drive.
If you are operating in normal mode, all data on that hard drive will be deleted after performing this procedure. You
will not be able to use the TeraStation until you reformat the hard drive.
• If you must change a drive that is not malfunctioning, either dismount it in the TeraStation's Web Admin interface
or shut down the TeraStation before replacing the drive. Then rebuild the RAID array if you are in a redundant RAID
mode such as RAID 1, 5, or 6. If you are using RAID 0, delete the RAID array. If you are using normal mode, format the
hard drive.
• If you are using a redundant RAID mode such as RAID 1, 5, or 6, the RAID array will be in degraded mode after per-
forming this operation. You will not be able to use the TeraStation until you rebuild the RAID array.
If you remove more than one drive at the same time, all data on the RAID array will be lost regardless of which RAID
mode the TeraStation is in. To preserve your data, replace drives one at a time, rebuilding the RAID array after each