Select a TeraStation to be the target backup device.
• Only one TeraStation can be set as the backup TeraStation.
• Check beforehand that no error or information messages appear on the LCD panel of the backup TeraStation.
Enter the administrator password of the target backup device, then click [Start Failover].
If the administrator password is correct, the backup TeraStation will beep.
To accept the settings from the source TeraStation, hold down the function button on the front of the target Ter-
aStation until it stops beeping.
• To disable failover, in the main TeraStation's Web Admin interface, navigate to [Failover] and click [Dissolve
Failover]. Failover can also be disabled by clicking [Dissolve Failover] in the backup TeraStation's Web Admin
If failover cannot be disabled, in the main TeraStation's Web Admin interface, navigate to [Backup] -
to [Failover] and click [Force Failover to Stop]. After performing a forced disable, restart the main TeraStation and
the backup TeraStation. After restarting, check the settings (such as the IP address) and data in the shared folder
for both the main TeraStation and the backup TeraStation. After a forced disable, the shared folder of the backup
TeraStation is set to read-only. If necessary, configure failover again.
• During configuration of failover, if the message "Replication I33 ReplicateFailure" is displayed on the LCD panel,
synchronization between the main TeraStation and backup TeraStation has failed. If this occurs, navigate to
[Backup] -
next to [Replication] in the Web Admin interface and choose [Resync].
• If replication is set or was set for multiple folders, initialize the settings before reconfiguring failover. If multiple
folders were set before, failover cannot be used even if the settings are changed back to disable replication. This
is not a problem, however, if only a single folder was set for replication.
• Files are transferred asynchronously. File transfer may take considerable time depending on the network
environment or the TeraStation's operating status.
• The system processing speed may become slow if the TeraStation is accessed by several users simultaneously.
• A large number of files should not be continuously written over a long period of time.
• The main TeraStation cannot be used as the backup location for Time Machine supported in Mac OS X.
• If the failover operation occurs while email notification is enabled, perform the following operation at the main
TeraStation after the failover process is done. Navigate to [Management] -
next to [Email Notification] -
[Edit] and click [OK].
This completes the setup.
Maintenance mode:
Change to maintenance mode before turning off the TeraStation temporarily or updating the fi rmware. After changing
to maintenance mode, resume failover once the maintenance operation is completed.