Procedure for changing to maintenance mode
In the main TeraStation's Web Admin interface, navigate to [Backup] -
next to [Failover] and click [Maintenance
Procedure for returning from maintenance mode to activated failover status
In the main TeraStation's Web Admin interface, navigate to [Backup] -
next to [Failover] and click [Cancel mainte-
nance mode].
Do not write a large number of fi les (more than 10,000) to the main TeraStation during maintenance mode. This could
cause data synchronization to fail between the main TeraStation and backup TeraStation after resuming failover.
Service IP address setting:
The [Service IP Address] in the Web Admin interface is the IP address that overrides the current setting when the backup
TeraStation takes over operation from the main TeraStation.
If no service IP address is set or a fi xed IP address is set, an attempt is made to inherit the IP address set for the main
TeraStation. If the same IP address cannot be set, such as due to an IP address confl ict, the same IP address may not be
inherited. The IP address may also not be inherited in DHCP server environments.
Information shown on LCD panels when operation switches from main TeraStation to
backup TeraStation:
This message (I49) is displayed on the LCD panel of the backup TeraStation when operation switches from the main Ter-
aStation to the backup TeraStation.
FailOver I49
This message (E27) is displayed on the LCD panel of the main TeraStation if it is no longer able to detect the backup Ter-
aStation on the network.
FailOver E27
The above messages may appear when network problems occur even though neither TeraStation has failed. If this hap-
pens, log on to the Web Admin interfaces for the main TeraStation and the backup TeraStation to disable failover, then
set failover again.
Backing Up Your Mac with Time Machine
Time Machine is a backup program included with Mac OS X 10.5 or later. To use it with the TeraStation, confi gure the Ter-
aStation as described below.
In the TeraStation's Web Admin interface, change the icon next to [AFP] from
next to [Folder Setup].