Chapter 14 Path MTU Table
XGS2220 Series User’s Guide
Path MTU Table
14.1 Path MTU Overview
This chapter introduces the IPv6 Path MTU table.
The largest size (in bytes) of a packet that can be transferred over a data link is called the Maximum
Transmission Unit (MTU). The Switch uses Path MTU Discovery to discover Path MTU (PMTU), that is, the
minimum link MTU of all the links in a path to the destination. If the Switch receives an ICMPv6 Packet Too
Big error message after sending a packet, it fragments the next packet according to the suggested MTU
in the error message.
14.2 Viewing the Path MTU Table
Use this screen to view IPv6 path MTU information on the Switch. Click
Path MTU Table
in the
navigation panel to display the screen as shown.
Figure 95
MONITOR > Path MTU Table
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 40 MONITOR > Path MTU Table
Path MTU
aging time
This field displays how long an entry remains in the Path MTU table before it ages out and needs to
be relearned.
This field displays the index number of each entry in the table.
This field displays the destination IPv6 address of each path or entry.
This field displays the maximum transmission unit of the links in the path.
This field displays how long (in minutes) an entry can still remain in the Path MTU table before it
ages out and needs to be relearned.