IM 1F6A0-01E
[F50 TEMP DAMPING] Temperature damping
Set temperature damping, 0 to 99sec.
[F52 CABLE LENGTH] Cable length of signal
Set cable length(m) of signal cable for DYA.
When type of model is integral, cable length is set in 0m.
[F55 A/OUT SELECT] Analog out select
Select the analog output from FLOW(0), TEMP(1).
The following item should be done in case of
which F55 is TEMP
[F56 TEMP 0%] Temperature at 0%
Set temperatue value at 0%.
[F57 TEMP 100%] Temperature at 100%
Set temperature value at 100%.
[F58 TEMP ERR OUT] Output selection of
thermometer error
Select output function when thermometer error from 0%(0),
In case of OUT LIMIT(H), it is based on parameter “D30”
[F20 PRESS UNIT] Pressure unit
Select pressure unit fom MPa abs(0), kPa abs(1), bar abs(2),
a(3), psia(4).
[F21 PRESS f] Pressure value f
Set absolute pressure values at operating condition.
[F22 PRESS b] Pressure value b
Set absolute pressure values at nomal/standard Condition.
[F23 DAVIATION] Daviation factor
Set the daviation factor.
[F24 STD/NOR UNIT] Standard/Normal unit
Select Volumetric unit at standard/nomal condition From
Nm3(0), k Nm3(1), M Nm3(2), Nl(3), Sm3(4)
k Sm3(5), M Sm3(6), Sl(7), scf(8), k scf(9), M scf(10)
The following item should be done in case of
which F10 is LIQUID:MASS
[F26 DENSITY UNIT] Density unit
Select density unit from kg/m3(0),
b/Usgal(2), lb/
[F27 DENSlTY b] Density b
Set density value at standard condition.
[F28 TEMP UNIT] Temperature unit
Select temperature unit from deg C(0), deg F(1).
[F29 TEMP b] Temperature b
Set tempareture value at standard condition
[F30 1st coef] lst coefficient
Set lst temperature coefficiect using the density correction.
[F31 2nd coef] 2nd coefficient
Set lst temperature coefficiect using the density correction.
[F32 MASS UNIT] Mass unit
Select mass flow rate unit from kg(0), t(1),
b(2), k lb(3).
[F35 TIME UNIT] Time unit
Select time unit from /s(0), /m(1), /h(2), /d(3).
[F40 FLOW SPAN] Flow span
Set span flow rate, 0 to 32000.
[F45 DAMPING] Flow damplng
Set flow damping, 0 to 99sec.