SIEP C730600 0DB EtherNet/IP Technical Manual
Settings Page
The Settings page sets web page behavior parameters. Access is restricted unless a valid password is entered.
Figure 15.8 Settings Page View
Security Login
Click [Login] and enter a valid password. The button text changes to [Logout].
The default security password is
This password can be changed in the [Webpage Password] section of the page.
Entering a valid password allows access to the settings in the Settings page, Email Alerts page, and the Parameter
Access page.
Webpage Password
To change the password, enter the new password in the [New Password] and [Confirm Password] text boxes.
Click [Save password].
Webpage Settings
The values displayed in the various tabs are refreshed at the rate defined in the [Data Update Time] select box.
The Data Update Time can be set to 250 ms, 500 ms, 1 second, 2 seconds, or 5 seconds.
Email Settings
The [Email Server Address] text box must contain the IP address of the email server. The subnet address is
configured in drive parameters
. The configured email alerts will use the server at this
address when sending emails.
Enter the email server port in the [Email Server Port] text box.
The value in the [From Email Address] text box identifies the origin of the email alerts to the recipient.
Click [Save Email Settings] to save the email settings to the option.
Drive-Side Error Codes
Drive-side error codes appear on the drive keypad.
lists causes of the errors and possible
corrective actions. Refer to the drive Technical Manual for additional error codes that may appear on the drive