April 2017
Xerox® VersaLink® B7025/B7030/B7035 Multifunction Printer
003-963, 965, 966, 003-968
Status Indicator RAPs
Launch Issue
003-963, 965, 966 APS RAP
003-963 No APS compatible tray to set the relevant size.
003-965 There was no paper in the tray that can be selected for APS.
003-966 There is no APS tray that is set to a specific size selected.
Perform the steps that follow:
Advise the customer to select a tray that has the correct size of paper, then retry the job.
If the fault persists, reload the software,
GP 4
003-968 Punch Position Error RAP
003-968 Unable to punch at the selected position.
Perform the steps that follow:
Advise the customer to specify an appropriate punch position or cancel punch, then retry
the job.
If the fault persists, reload the software,
GP 4