April 2017
Xerox® VersaLink® B7025/B7030/B7035 Multifunction Printer
003-751, 003-752, 932, 935
Status Indicator RAPs
Launch Issue
003-751 Capacity RAP
003-751 According to the document area settings and the scan area, processing image data
with a size smaller than the one that can be processed was detected.
Perform the steps that follow:
Advise the customer to increase the resolution or enlarge the scan area (width x length),
then retry the job.
If the fault persists, reload the software,
GP 4
003-752, 932, 935 600dpi Cannot be Scanned RAP
003-752 600dpi is unavailable for DADF mixed 2-sided mode scan.
003-932 For scanning in the DADF mix duplex mode, 600dpi is not available.
003-935 For scanning in the DADF mix duplex mode, 600dpi is not available (when the next
document exists).
Perform the steps that follow:
Advise the customer to perform scanning below 400 dpi resolution.
If the fault persists, reload the software,
GP 4