Crankshaft dimensions
Reworking the crankshaft is not permitted.
Main journal ∅
Conrod journal ∅
59.958 to 59.978 mm
53.958 to 53.978 mm
Measuring axial clearance of crankshaft
Special tools and workshop equipment required
♦ Universal dial gauge holder - VW 387-
♦ Dial gauge - VAS 6079-
Test sequence
– Screw dial gauge - VAS 6079- with universal dial gauge holder
- VW 387- onto cylinder block and set against crank web.
– Press crankshaft against dial gauge by hand and set gauge to
– Push crankshaft away from dial gauge and read off value.
Axial clearance:
• New: 0.07 … 0.23 mm
• Wear limit: 0.30 mm
Measuring radial clearance of crank‐
Special tools and workshop equipment required
♦ Plastigage
• Do not turn crankshaft when measuring radial clearance.
CC 2012 ➤ , Passat 2011 ➤ , Passat Variant 2011 ➤
6-cylinder direct-injection engine (3.6 l engine, 4V) - Edition 06.2019
Rep. gr.13 - Crankshaft group