M3. Temple
Movable temple
A moving cloth fell produces pile.
: To make the temple movement smooth, a bearing 4 is installed to a temple base bracket 3.
Accordingly, check that all thetemple guides 5 are constantly in contact with the bearing 4
[1] Longitudinal Position of the Temple
(1) Set the crank angle to 0
in fast pick.
(2) Lock the emergency stop push-button switch.
(3) Check clearance dimension “a” between the temple
and reed.
3 to 4 mm when the warp tension is not applied
2 to 3 mm when loaded with warp tension
(4) If the clearance is different between the left and
right, loosen expansion bar rod 1 fastening nut 2
(two pieces each on the left and right sides).
Turn the extension bar rod nut left and right to adjust
the longitudinal position of the temple to equalize
the clearance.
: Pay attention to the intervals of the stoppers
to the left and right of the cloth fell.
(See M5.2 Stopper Adjustment) Adjust
interval “a” correctly.
The red may be damaged if in contact with the yarn
guide plate during operation. Difference of interval
“a” in the longitudinal direction will result in the
difference of the pile length, additionally causing
fallen warp due to loose warp.
(5) If the clearance is the same on the left and right
sides, turn turnbuckle 6 of the terry motion lever for
adjustment. (When dimension “a” is different, and
the dimension on the left and right sides is same)
: Pay attention to the intervals of the stoppers
to the left and right of the cloth fell.
(See M9.1 Stopper Adjustment)
Adjust interval “a” correctly.
(6) Release the emergency stop push-button switch.
Check by inching operation that the yarn guide plate
is not in contact with the reed.
M3. Temple