136 GC250 Technical Manual
P.0483: lower threshold (percentage of the rated power P.0125).
P.0484: delay associated to the lower threshold (in seconds).
P.0485: higher threshold (percentage of the rated power P.0125).
P.0486: delay associated to the higher threshold (in seconds).
If the thresholds P.0483 and P.0485 are set to zero or are not congruent, the function will be
From the moment the contact of DIF.2703 -
“Enable load thresholds” (if any) is activated, a
timing begins (the length of which is configured with parameter P.0482), during which the
output is maintained low regardless of the power. This time allows the system to stabilize
before starting to watch powers.
High load
Purpose of this function is to diagnose a high power status (high load) to disconnect part of
the less important loads. Everything we said in the previous paragraph applies, though taking
into account that the output is activated if the power exceeds threshold P.0485 and deactivated
when the power drops below threshold P.0483.
The output is activated in a maximum power condition, and can directly be used as control for
disconnecting loads. Ensure to pay attention to the thresholds: when a part of the loads is
disconnected, the power will decrease. If the lower threshold is too high, the output will be
disabled, and this could cause the load to be reconnected, with a pendulum effect.
Alternative parameters configuration
You can use certain properly configured digital inputs to change the configuration of the
system without changing the programming parameters. In fact, the controller manages
rnally four groups of alternative parameters that can be “copied” in the operating
parameters on request (through a dedicated digital input).
Alternative configurations can be programmed only using the BoardPrg3xx.
You cannot program or modify the configurations from the controller.
The parameters present in each alternative group are the following:
P.0101: Generator number of phases.
P.0102: Generator nominal voltage
P.0105: Generator nominal frequency.
P.0106: Generator nominal power (kVA).
P.0107: CT primary for generator/load.
P.0116: Mains nominal voltage
P.0119: Mains phases number.
P.0125: Engine nominal power (kW).
P.0128: Is the neutral of the generator connected to the controller?
P.0129: Is the mains neutral connected to the controller?
It is possible to change the configuration by means the following input digital functions:
– “Select configuration 1”. When the input becomes "active", parameters of
alternative configuration set 1 are copied in the working configuration.