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– Pull toothed belt upwards and fit it on idler roller -1-, tensioner
roller -2- and camshaft pulleys -3- and -4-.
– Using the ring spanner SW 30 - T10499- , turn the eccentric
-2- of the tensioning roller in the direction of the -arrow- until
the adjustment pointer -3- is positioned about 10 mm to the
right of the setting window.
– Turn eccentric adjuster back until adjustment indicator is posi‐
tioned exactly in adjustment window.
Torque wrench - VAS 6583- must be used for tightening.
When setting the specified torque on the torque wrench - VAS
6583- , the length indicated on the insert tool - T10500- must
be entered in the torque wrench.
– Hold eccentric in that position and tighten bolt -1- to 25 Nm.
To do this, use insert tool, 13 mm - T10500- with torque wrench
- VAS 6583- .
⇒ “2.2 Exploded view - toothed belt”, page 83
Turning the engine further or running the engine may lead to slight
differences in the position of the adjustment indicator -3- in rela‐
tion to the adjustment window. This does not affect the toothed
belt tension or the timing.
– Tighten bolt -1- of toothed belt pulley initially to 50 Nm.
– Use counter-hold tool - T10172- with adapter -T10172/1- and
-T10172/2- to do this.
León 2013 ➤ , León ST 2013 ➤
4-cylinder petrol engine (1.2 l direct injection, 4 V, turbocharger, EA211) - Edition 02.2017
2. Toothed belt drive